

The heart of Waterways Association of Menominee and Shawano Counties’s mission is to make positive changes to our environment. They are committed to the facilitation of education, research, cooperative sharing of resources and best practices between organizations, individuals, government bodies and the general public of Menominee and Shawano Counties. This includes, but is not limited to, the aesthetic beauty, water quality, shoreline protection, wildlife habitat, and fisheries of inland water bodies, environs, groundwater, wetlands, and watersheds for the benefit of present and future generations.

Their previous logo was lacking in legibility, flexibility, and impact. I saw this as an opportunity to help a cause that is near and dear to my heart. I also helped them with getting their website up on a new platform for them to use in their on going efforts to educate, conserve, and protect our environment.


Hive & Mind – Strategic Brand Identity


The Daily Drip – Vintage-Inspired Coffee Branding